Pondering a new vision
There is an all-too-popular belief about one of the qualifications for a leader coming into a new position. Even though the new leader is entering a new position about which the leader knows very little, and may know even less about the context and demands of the new social/cultural setting, the new leader is expected to be able to project a detailed vision for the future. While I wouldn’t go so far as to define that commonly held belief as heretical, I would venture to say this belief is a short-sighted approach to the mission of the Christian community. This past Saturday we had a day of missional visioning that both stimulated and challenged us. About 70 to 80 of us gathered in the parish hall of St. Andrew’s, Newport News to be taken through a Fresh Expressions (FEx) visioning process that was entitled “Deep Roots, Wild Branches.” Though most of us were members of our Episcopal Church “tribe,” also with us were Methodists, Presbyterians and B...